Welcome to Women Lead Daily

Women Lead Daily is an online platform, community, and resource to engage women in their grandest career visions and life’s desires.  As women, we bring a sense of community, an understanding of self, and a need for balance to the workplace.  These attributes allow us to be dynamic leaders, engaging managers, and individual contributors that create sustainability and innovation in the workplace.

Women Lead Daily came out of the need to offer women the ongoing development opportunities and information they need to go as far in their careers as they want.  It was born out of the desire to see women at the top of companies, government institutions, and countries.  Finally, Women Lead Daily is a necessity that will challenge the status quo of women in the world.  For years women have fit into a male dominated professional environment and culture.  We exist to ensure that the future of work takes ALL people into consideration as cultures shift and companies realign, and new ones are formed.

Women Lead Daily is here for you.  Our goal is to teach you to dream big!  To have the biggest vision possible for your life and to develop the technical skills and behavioral attributes to accomplish your goals.

Our commitment to you:

  • Content under ‘The Dailies” blog will be available to all and complement our premium programs and coaching services.
  • Women Lead Daily will focus on women’s needs both in the workplace as well as in life. Women tend to take a holistic outlook in life.  What impacts us at work can have an impact in our personal lives.  We’ll explore ideas to gain an understanding of what each of us needs to perform at a high-level and share ideas to rejuvenate our energy.
  • We will work to influence the place of women in the world. As our platform grows and our communities expand, we will give back to women’s initiatives throughout the world.  Our first contributions have already been made to She’s The First, an organization that provides scholarships to girls in low-income countries, fostering first-generation graduates and cultivating the next generation of global leaders.

What we ask of you:

  • Believe in yourself. I have coached women who were passed over for promotions and opportunities for years.  But they kept trying.  The kept asking. They kept believing they could achieve their goals.  We all have moments of self-doubt.  We all have failures.  These are the experiences that shape us and teach us empathy and understanding.  Remain committed to your growth and ongoing development because that next opportunity is within your reach.
  • Create a vision for your career and your life. When I first started researching women’s approach to career and leadership, I was surprised to learn that many of react to opportunities and choices, rather than envision the future we want and shape our careers based on these goals and ambitions.  If you want to go to the top of your profession or you want to explore how far your talent can take you, create a vision.  This is the starting point.  Once you have clarity on where you are going, you can then deal with any limiting beliefs, share your vision with others, and make use of every opportunity that comes your way.  It all starts with vision.
  • Raise daughters and sons that understand the importance of equality and opportunity. As the generations grow and begin working in companies or creating their own, each brings a unique perspective and values into the mix.  It is important that we continue to raise our children, nieces and nephews, and friends’ children to understand that importance of equality and opportunity.  When given an opportunity, let’s teach them the skills to take full advantage of the experience they are gaining, build relationships with others, and show gratitude.  Opportunities are not always shared or offered equally.  It is important that we all be given a chance based on our skills, approach, and mindset.

Women Lead Daily brings together a mix of media, program opportunities, and coaching experiences to elevate women to their highest vision.